Monday, June 27, 2016

For Freedom Christ Has Set Us Free - Galatians 5

Galatians 5

For Freedom, Christ has set us free.
We have been freed by the Gospel.
Freed from the law.
Freed from the ladder of achievement and failure.
We are freed. We don’t have to do anything.

So, as my Lutheran Confessions professor used to say,
“Now that we don’t have to do anything,
what should we do?”

So when I was young,
I remember getting into a lot of
spats with other kids, usually verbal.
And inevitably, when I would say,
“Stop saying that”, or “stop doing that”, or
“stop” whatever it was that they
were doing that was bothering me.
Another kid usually much tougher than me would say,

“It’s a free country!”
People only say “it’s a free country” when they’re doing something bad.
This sticks in my mind because even at the time
I knew that wasn’t what freedom was for
but I couldn’t articulate it at that young age.
And I probably would have gotten  in more trouble if I could.

The insinuation here is that freedom means
that you should be able
to do anything that you want, take anything you want,
say anything you want as long as you’re strong enough.
This attitude is not limited to playgrounds either.

Some adults seem to think this too.
To some freedom means some sort
of absolute independence from responsibility
and a freedom from all obligations to community
and a dedication to self-indulgence.

And maybe American freedom means or has
come to mean something else all together.

But Paul tells us that freedom in Christ does not mean those things.
Paul warns the Galatians against using their freedom for self-indulgence.
For Paul freedom doesn’t just mean doing what you want.
We’re freed for a purpose.
Now that we have all that free time because we’re not
trying to win God’s favor and seal up our own salvation,
we can focus on other things.

First Paul outlines how we shouldn’t use our freedom.
He tells us that we should not gratify the desires of the flesh.
And Paul Goes to list them out.
Just a little derailment here:
For about two thousand years, the church has been
hung up on this “desires of the flesh” and taken it
to mean only sexual desires.
And this has been used to further divide people and demean people
for doing what most everyone does and doesn’t talk about,
and since no one talks about it, 
we’ve either felt guilty or self-righteous.
This just serves to push people away from the church and from God.

And yes, Paul does starts this list with
with fornication but to be honest,
we’re not exactly in agreement about
what fornication was in Paul’s eyes.
We do know that the sexual rules of the Roman society
Paul lived in were much, much different from ours
And actually monogamy with the same person
that you were married and had children with
was kind of seen as not normal.
And Jewish morays have certainly evolved over time,
as we learned from Paul telling
 the story of Sarah giving her slave Hagar to
Abraham in the last chapter
and feeling pretty comfortable with it.

And, besides, if we focus too much on
“desires of the flesh” being all about sex,
that certainly lets some of us off pretty easily.

But look at the rest of the list.
Look at the middle of the list, because it’s easy to get
hung up on other people’s sorcery and drunkenness and carousing too.

I have done all of these things. I have given into these desires of the flesh.
How about you?

And what all of these things have in common with each other?
They are self-focused. They serve ourselves and our needs and our egos and pride.
And that’s why they are desires of the flesh.
They come naturally to us,
we don’t have to try to argue and be jealous and have factions,
those things come naturally.
They feed on our fears and anxiety,
they bring us temporary satisfaction
but they never bring us true happiness or fulfillment.

Paul says people who use their freedom in this way will not inherit the Kingdom of God.
I would say that Paul doesn’t simply mean  that people
who do these things won’t go to heaven when they die.
I think he’s saying that if we only use our freedom for ME, ME, ME
we will never experience and taste the kingdom of God in this world.

I actually like the list  of desires of the flesh that appears in the Message,
Eugne Peterson’s interpretive re-telling of the bible:
Instead of desires of the flesh, he calls them “Competitive Selfishness”
repetitive, loveless, cheap sex;
a stinking accumulation of mental and emotional garbage;
frenzied and joyless grabs for happiness;
 trinket gods;
 magic-show religion;
paranoid loneliness;
cutthroat competition;
all-consuming-yet-never-satisfied wants;
a brutal temper;
an impotence to love or be loved;
divided homes and divided lives;
small-minded and lopsided pursuits;
the vicious habit of depersonalizing everyone into a rival;
uncontrolled and uncontrollable addictions;
ugly parodies of community.

I like this because it really paints a picture:
This could be what freedom is used for.
This is what Roman freedom sometimes came to I’m sure.
This is sometimes what American freedom has become.
But this is not the freedom that Christ freed us for.
But what is our freedom for? What has Christ freed us for?

And here is Paul’s great paradox.

Paul says that we were FREED so we could become SLAVES

13 For you were called to freedom, brothers and sisters;* only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for self-indulgence,* but through love become slaves to one another.

We have been freed from the law,
so we can be slaves to one another.
Not like we have to get people’s pants for them,
but in being focused on the needs of others.

Now that we don’t have to climb the ladder,
now that we don’t have to
focus on whether we are impressing God,
 or whether we’re good enough to be Christians,
Now that we don’t have to worry about
who is earning God’s blessings or curses.
And we don’t have to worry about who is circumcised or who isn’t.
Now that we have Jesus and don’t have to worry about our relationship with God.

Now we can focus on our relationship with each other.
On reconciling with one another, serving one another, loving one another,
Or, another way Paul puts it is this in verse 6

“”6For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor
uncircumcision counts for anything;
the only thing that counts is faith working through love.”

And Paul paints a picture of what this freedom looks like:
and self-control
this gives us a taste of the Kingdom of God.

I have one last illustration here, and
I wondered whether  and how to bring this story in.
But I think it’s important and timely since they’ve been here this weekend
and we’ve seen them on the news.

We all know about the Westboro Baptist Church.
That terrible organization that keeps picketing everything
from Lady Gaga concerts to military funerals.
They seem to relish bad things happening so they
can talk about God’s wrath.
And you know the leader now that Fred Phelps has died
is Shirley Roper-Phelps.
She’s a lawyer and spends her time running the church
and defending the organization against law suits.
I’ve mentioned them a lot as extremely bad
examples of what not to do as Christians.
I think these people are religion and law gone crazy.
And no one likes them, even people who believe some of the same
things they do think their tactics are terrible.

But I read a series of stories about a man in his 20’s,
he was radio DJ in Kansas City where the Phelps have their headquarters
His DJ name was Scoops.
He saw the Westboro picketing at a Justin Bieber concert
and he just struck up a conversation with them.
He talked to the daughter Meagan and they got along
really well, they actually exchanged phone numbers.
By the way, he’s openly gay and he was very vocal about it.

Later, he was after some publicity, so he  called Meagan
asked if he could come over to their house. They said yes.
They gave him chocolate chip cookies and they talked.
He asked them if they could picket him for publicity.
They said sure, and they made a sign that said, “God Hates Scoops.”

Later on Easter, he had been fired from his radio
job for an unrelated issue and he called up the Phelps
and went over to their house with a friend to get some legal advice.
The friend wrote a blog about the experience.
Meagan served him some homemade apple crisp.
After the legal advice, Scoops had one of those
existential crisis that most people have when they lose their jobs.
Where is my life going, what
The woman who wrote the article said that Shirley Phelps
kicked into “mom mode”
She asked about his family and told him that this
was the time that he need to call on them,
and she suggested he move back with his mother
They talked about family and jobs and
the balance between finding your passion and needing to eat and pay bills.
Then they asked them both to stay for dinner.

The woman asked her why she let him come around their house
and visit with them,
“He doesn't come up and hit us!
He doesn't throw things at us and he doesn't spray bear mace at us!"

This is an encounter with them that was filmed after that.

(the end of the video has a little cursing. Just watch to 1:55 to avoid.)
You can obviously see that she is just smitten with him in a motherly way.
She is still doing horrible things,
but he obviously has broken down her hard exterior and found the mom in her.
What can we learn from this agnostic radio DJ about the power of our shared humanity?
What a way to disarm those signs and the hate.

love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness,  gentleness, and self-control
Even in the worst conditions, the fruit of the spirit can grow.

This is what can happen when we lay down our laws
and our check lists and our prejudice and our preconceived notions.
This is the power of God working here.    

This is the DJ and Megan Phelps 
after the Lady Gaga concert.

He’s dressed up like he said 
and they’re singing  together.
Just a couple months after this, Meagan left the Westboro Baptist church and the family,
she didn’t mention him as a cause,
but she does mention all the 
people who were kind
and cared for them despite how hateful their family had been.


This is what Christ has freed us for.
Not self focused freedom, but other focused freedom.
Not serving our self and our fears and status, but serving others.
What could  we do with this freedom?

We could know the kingdom of God.

Monday, June 20, 2016

For Freedom Christ Has Made Us Free - Galatians 4

Galatians 4

Paul, Paul, Paul
Sometimes Paul drives me crazy and this is one of those times.
Paul just got finished with telling us that in Christ there is no Slave or free
And then in this chapter, he goes on to use an extended metaphor which uses the fact
that the children of a slave woman are not as good as the children of free woman.

I usually talk about how things are the same
between people in those days and people in these days,
but thankfully, things like this tell us that things
have certainly changed over the years.
Talk of slaves and one child being better than another
just because of who they were born to really sounds terrible to us these days.

There are still many issues in our world,
but I think we are moving toward justice, understanding, peace, tolerance.
And I think part of the reason things are going in the
direction they’re going is because of Jesus
ministry and because of Paul’s letters and statements that he made like this.

Now the Church at times  has fought much of this progress  tooth and nail.
And it seems in this chapter and others that Paul contradicts himself.
But honestly, Paul was a revolutionary and I don’t know that he fully grasped
all the effects of what he was proposing for society and the world.
The Spirit was driving him to things and say things and he didn’t even
understand all the ramifications of what he was doing and saying,
but we’ve felt them generations later.

So even though Paul’s example of the child of a slave
verses the child of a free person is kind of rough today,
Paul has a point here that’s worth explaining.
He’s appealing again to the father of the Jewish people, Abraham.

Remember last week, we talked about how
Abraham was promised that he and his wife, Sara
would have a child and that child would
enable Abraham to be the father of many nations.
That story is in Genesis 17.
Before that story in Genesis 16,
we hear about Abram and Sarai (Abraham and Sara’s previous name)
before they received God’s promise.

They were desperate for a child, but were not having any luck,
so Sarai had an idea. SLIDE

She had a Egyptian Slave named Hagar,
Abram could have a child with her .
(Not that they asked Hagar if she wanted to do that.)
So they tried that out and this arrangement
produced a child named Ishmael.

But eventually as God had promised,
Sarah had a child and his name was Isaac.
But eventually, Sara got jealous of Hagar
and Ishmael and she had Abraham throw

Hagar and Ishmael out into the desert.
Abraham was sad,
but God told Abraham not to worry because he
would make a great nation of Ishmael too.
(I would worry more about food and water)

Now as Paul says, this story is a metaphor an allegory.
It’s usually used to explain how the different strains of
Semitic people came to be,
and the relation between the Jewish and Islamic faith.

Normally, based on this story, the Jews and Christians
are said to be the descendants of Isaac
and Muslims are descendants of Ishmael.
This story is often used to prove who is worthier than who
and that the conflicts between the two groups are ordained by God.

But Paul doesn’t really talk about blood lines.
He says that they represent two covenants:

Ishmael represents the earthly Jerusalem, the people of the law,
No matter what religion they are,
Jewish, Roman, or Christians  -- those who judge by the hand of the law.
And Isaac represents the people of the Jerusalem above, the children of the promise.
And Christ has made anyone who believes children of the promise.

He says that the Galatians were given freedom,
and made free by the gospel of Jesus.
And now they have a choice –
Slavery to the law, or freedom by faith.

For freedom, Christ has set us free.
So don’t return to the yoke of slavery.

And Paul believes,
if the Galatians believe they need to be circumcised
to receive God’s grace, they are choosing to be slaves again.

Which brings up a legitimate question,
why would the Galatians want to require circumcision?
why would they want to be circumcised as adults?
On the face of it, there doesn’t seem to be any pay-off or benefit.
Just a lot of pain. It would not meet with their self-interest.
For that answer, let’s go back to Roman society.

Remember we talked about the fact that
 Romans had a strict way for people to act in their society?
For people to justify themselves and earn their righteousness.
Follow the law and you move up (and the leaders of your group move up),
Don’t’ follow the law and you’re cursed.

And one of the laws to follow was to worship their gods
and their Caesar, the leader who was seen
as the savior of the world (familiar name)
and the human being who was so successful
that he had reached the status of god.

But Jews were the odd monotheistic ones out
and they only worshipped one God.
This led to centuries of conflicts and disagreements.
A lot of Romans scapegoating Jewish people,
because Romans saw the Jews
as the ones who were ruining everything.

But he Romans, did pride themselves on their tolerance of other religions
and eventually, after a lot of killing and realizing the Jews weren’t giving in on this,
 the Jews and the Romans came to an understanding.
Even if it was uneasy most of the time.

The Jews could do their weird monotheistic Yahweh One God of Israel thing,
And they would be identified by their circumcision.
(Because no reasonable Roman would ever want to do that!)
And the Jews would acquiesce to other habits of the Romans,
The Jewish leaders would kowtow to Roman authority and wishes,
they would put down rebellions, they would fight Rome’s enemies,
they would have their people pay considerable taxes to Rome.

And with this arrangement,
the Jewish leaders, like King Herod,

and the chief priests,
and the Pharisees like Saul (who became Paul)
got a lot of the perks and riches  and benefits
It worked.

You can probably see why a guy like Jesus wouldn’t really work
for Herod or the Chief priests and Pharisees
and their arrangement with the Roman Empire.

And even worse for them,
after the Jewish leaders and the Romans kill him,
They still have the Christians, who are worshipping one God
and not worshipping the other gods or the emperor,
AND they’re getting more gentile pagans to join
AND we can’t tell them from the rest of the people.
Because they’re not being circumcised

These followers of Jesus were messing everything up for the
powerful Jews who had successfully assimilated into Roman Society,
and who often sold out their own people for
a bit of power and comfort.

And wouldn’t it just be easier for a newly vanquished person
in Roman society – like the Galatians
to just get circumcised and fit in and slip by
with the same arrangement that the Jews had
instead of sticking out and upsetting the apple cart
and messing it up for the rest of us?
Then the Galatians could get in on some of those perks that the Romans liked to give.

Just get along. Behave. Assimilate into society
and everyone will be happy -- and maybe some will even get wealthy.
It was the Roman way.

But, this is Paul’s point, - that isn’t free.
The Galatians are cashing in the real prize for some Roman trinkets.
It’s gaining the world and losing your soul.

Christ made us free so that we could stay free.
Not so we could submit ourselves
to another set of constraints.

It’s like the Israelites telling Moses they want to go back
to slavery in Egypt so that they could get cucumbers, melon, and onions.
It’s trading in God’s big promises for a temporary comfort.

Can you think of  times when people are asked to do that?
Trade in big dreams for little comforts?
Maybe we’ve been tempted to do that too?

One more recent event in history reminds me of this.
Most of us know Martin Luther King’s Letter from a Birmingham Jail.
It’s often considered one of King’s Greatest letters
and it was written while he was sitting in a jail cell,
like many of Paul’s letters were.
He was arrested for “an unlawful assembly”
It was written to Birmingham area clergy.

The white, Birmingham area clergy -
Bishops, rabbis, and pastors -
had written an open letter which was published
in the Birmingham newspaper four days earlier.
It was called “A Call For Unity”
These religious leaders had actually been on the side of civil rights
and hand done some work in the area of civil rights. They were the “good guys.”
But now that  Martin Luther King came to protest in Birmingham,
they were apparently feeling the heat of the conflict.
They wrote not to King directly, but basically to the city itself:

We further strongly urge our own Negro community to withdraw support
from these demonstrations, and to unite locally in working peacefully for a better Birmingham.
When rights are consistently denied, 
a cause should be pressed
in the courts and in negotiations among local leaders, and not in the streets.
We appeal to both our white and Negro citizenry
to observe the principles of law and order and common sense.

Basically, the white clergy wanted the protests and demonstrations to stop.
They wanted the black people of Birmingham who suffered some of the
worst laws of segregation of any city in the south to just go back and fit in
and take things up in the court like civilized people.
Just behave. Don’t make trouble for us or yourself.
Let’s just keep things like they are,
because things were getting uncomfortable.
Trade in the big dream for the temporary comfort.

These were the good guys too.
The ones who were for civil rights.

Martin Luther responded four days later,
with the longest,  most eloquent,  NO in the history of letters.
Here’s just  a snippet.

Oppressed people cannot remain oppressed forever.
The yearning for freedom eventually manifests itself,
and that is what has happened to the American Negro.
Something within has reminded him of his birthright of freedom,
and something without has reminded him that it can be gained.

 Could you see if Martin Luther King said yes to that request?
Could you see if he said,
"You’re right. I’m uncomfortable.
We’re all uncomfortable.  
Let’s stop the protests and demonstrations
and just keep it civilized.”
The civil Rights movement may never have happened,
and we might have been fighting government authorized apartheid
in this country into the 70’s or 80’s or even today.
But that’s not even the worst of it.

There’s a more sinister kind of slavery and segregation
the one that is internalized. The one that is self-imposed.
The one that says that this is the way it should be.
The self-imposed slavery that says that God has ordained and imposed
what is evident in the outside world.

That’s what Paul was so angry about.
That’s what the Galatians were in danger of.
It’s not about being circumcised,
It’s about believing that they needed to be circumcised,
believing  that they needed to earn God’s grace and love.
That they weren’t worthy.

Sometimes people are in jail cells.
Sometimes people live in societies that oppress them.
Sometimes people are not physically free.
And that is terrible.

But the real sadness is when we freely trade in our
integrity and our God-given identity and grace for a few comforts.
When we give up God’s kingdom for  a few Melons and onions.

That is the slavery that we impose on ourselves.
The jail cells that are the worst are not the ones outside.
The jails that are inside us are the ones that do the most damage to us.
When we think that this is all we deserve.
That what we see is all God wants for us.

Listen to this poem by Maya Angelou,

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
A free bird leaps on the back
Of the wind and floats downstream
Till the current ends and dips his wing
In the orange sun’s rays
And dares to claim the sky.

But a BIRD that stalks down his narrow cage
Can seldom see through his bars of rage
His wings are clipped and his feet are tied
So he opens his throat to sing.

The caged bird sings with a fearful trill
Of things unknown but longed for still
And his tune is heard on the distant hill for
The caged bird sings of freedom.

The free bird thinks of another breeze
And the trade winds soft through
The sighing trees
And the fat worms waiting on a dawn-bright
Lawn and he names the sky his own.

But a caged BIRD stands on the grave of dreams
His shadow shouts on a nightmare scream
His wings are clipped and his feet are tied
So he opens his throat to sing.

The caged bird sings with
A fearful trill of things unknown
But longed for still and his
Tune is heard on the distant hill
For the caged bird sings of freedom.

For freedom, Christ has made us free.
Don’t trade that gift in for cucumbers or melons or fear.
God gave this gift to us,
let’s not throw it away.

Let us stay free.