Easter Sunday 4-20-14
Matthew 28:1-10
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Resurreciton, Otto Dix 1927 |
In Matthew’s Easter Story,
there is a lot going on, it’s real, it’s action filled.
There’s an earthquake,
there’s a flashy lightning angel,
and then that angel moves the great big stone
out of the way of the tomb.
The guards are so afraid they pass out.
Real, physical things
happen in this story.
And when the stone is rolled away,
the tomb is empty and Jesus is not there.
The one whom everyone saw was crucified and laid in a tomb
was not in the tomb any more.
They all seemed surprised.
There had been guards
posted in front of the tomb,
so they knew that Jesus body wasn’t stolen.
And then the angel speaks and clears everything up,
she says:
“Do not be afraid; I know that
you are looking for
Jesus who was crucified.
He is not here; for he has been
raised, as he said.”
In other words, Jesus told you this was gonna happen.
Jesus told them all that he would be arrested
and killed by the authorities,
and that after three days,
he would rise from the dead.
Peter and the rest
seemed to get hung up on the dying.
The part where he told them
to deny themselves and take up their cross.
But they forgot about the promise that came at the end.
The promise that after three days he would rise again.
The promise that after three days he would rise again.
Sometimes we get hung up on the dying part too.
We live in fear of it, and so
we avoid the commitment.
We only hear that we are asked to follow the way of Jesus,
denying ourselves, --
dying, in many ways,
to our egos, our greed, our false selves.
It feels like a heavy
demand to be with Jesus,
but the reality is, when we are with Jesus we find the
burden is easy, because the promise is so great.
Because when we die with Christ, we rise with Christ again.
Now some people have suggested
that maybe Jesus didn’t really rise from the dead.
Actually, the theory has been around since the very
People have been proposing that maybe it was a vision,
Maybe Jesus just came and spoke to them in dreams.
maybe it was just a collective illusion.
Maybe it was just an elaborate PR stunt.
Maybe nobody really saw anything that day.
But to me, that
argument is irrelevant.
I believe that Jesus rose from the dead on that day.
But if someone doesn’t want to believe that’s fine.
But if someone doesn’t want to believe that’s fine.
Because I’m here to say that I have seen resurrection, first
I have seen God take what was once dead
and make it alive -- Real
physical things.
I have seen people
who once lived in fear of drug dealers
out in the streets having block parties, reclaiming their
- I have seen people who were beside themselves with
regain their ability to love again.
- I have seen people enslaved to alcohol
overcome their addictions and rejoin life.
- I have seen people who lived
in cardboard boxes beside a river in Honduras
come together, move to higher ground, and form a community.
- I can see the
resurrected Christ in people,
Christian and non Christian , who give their time,
their hope and their possessions away to help other people.
- I can see the resurrected Christ in the way Gethsemane
serves others,
building houses for strangers, helping people in our
caring for each other.
That is Jesus. Alive
And those are just the things that I’ve seen.
You’ve probably seen many, many more.
Where have you seen Jesus alive?
What empty tombs have you seen for yourself?
We can probably put together thousands of Jesus sightings
between us!
Resurrection is not just something
that happened to one person 2000 years ago,
resurrection is happening here and now. Christ’s power is
with us.
Tombs that were once filled are now empty.
God is working today to make things alive.
We should not be
afraid of death, dying
and the other setbacks and tragedies of life.
Because sometimes the only way to really live is through dying
through pain and through hurt and grief.
Giving up what once
was, and embracing what God is doing today.
And we should not fear death because God
will never run out of sunrises, or out of songs, or visions,
or insight.
God will never run out of Easters.
God will never run out of Easters.
The message of Easter
today is the same message
that the resurrected Jesus told those women at the tomb that
Sunday morning - “Do not be afraid.”
Do not live your life in fear of the unknown or the
Have faith and know that God is with you.
So live boldly and believe
Believe in the resurrection,
believe in the promise! believe in hope!
and know that Christ is risen!