Monday, April 27, 2015

Sheep and Shepherds

John 10-:11-18
April 26, 2015

There is a lot of talk about sheep and shepherds in the bible.
Moses was a shepherd before he confronted
his step father, the Pharaoh
and requested that he let his people go.

David was a shepherd before he
was found by Samuel and killed Goliath
and was made the greatest king of Israel.

You would think that Jesus would have been
a shepherd by profession instead of a carpenter.

But Jesus is known as THE shepherd. The good shepherd.
not because he cares for sheep, because he cares for people.
We are the sheep.
Now most of the time people would be insulted
if you call them sheep, but the bible does it all the time.
And maybe it’s a legitimate metaphor.

One thing I have learned about sheep is that they
are not great by themselves.
They need someone to help them,
to find food and water.
They need someone to lead them to these places.
The shepherds of Jesus time
And without a guide in our lives,
It is the one that says do not be afraid.
The one that leads us from death to life.

They are kind of helpless in some ways.
They get lost, they drown if they go in moving water.

And they have no real defense against predators.
They can’t bite or scratch,
they don’t have a shell that they can curl up into,
they can’t change colors,
they can’t squirt a terrible smell, They can’t roar
they just go BAA which is not a threatening sound at all.
They are just delicious fluffy animals.

The only defense they have is to run
And when one runs in fear the others tend to run to.

Most of the time, when a sheep moves it is
because it is running from something.
It is trying to get away from a perceived threat.

I think that might be something
we can say about people.
As a species, our movements are often dictated by fear.
We might not always literally run,
but we do many irrational things because we’re afraid.

We lock ourselves up in our homes and
don’t talk to strangers
we arm ourselves to the teeth.
To protect ourselves from everything we’re afraid of

We run because we’re afraid of
being poor or unsuccessful.
We run because we are afraid of loneliness
we run because we are afraid of failure,
or because we are afraid of pain or rejection.
Lots of churches whole ministries are based on fear
fear of the other, fear of the unknown,
fear of the end of the world.
Fear of change.

And when we live in fear
we make decisions based on fear,
we are irrational and
so, like sheep, we run.

But running never works.
Because once we’ve run from one thing,
we find that there’s always something else
to run from again.

And like those sheep end up getting in the greatest trouble
when we’re running away from some perceived danger.

So sheep really do need someone to lead them
they really do need a shepherd that cares for their
well being, someone who can see the big picture
someone who has the sheep’s best interest at heart.
The sheep really need the shepherd.
Like we really need Jesus to guide us to help us
to show us the way.

One last thing I found out is that sheep
really do respond to the voice of their shepherd.

would have a hundred or so Sheep.
And there were always other flocks of sheep around
and they tend to all look a lot alike.

Sometimes the shepherds and flocks would meet to go to sleep
and they would all get mixed up at night.
But in the morning, the shepherds
could call their flock and their sheep would follow them.

So Jesus is saying that the sheep
do just know his voice and we respond.
But how do we know which voice is really Jesus voice?
There are so many voices.

There are even so many voices that say they belong to Jesus.
People take snippets of scripture out of context
We’ve got people who say that Jesus told them
that the sheep need to buy him a 65 million dollar private jet.
Other  people say that Jesus is telling them to
condemn to judge, to hate, and even to kill.
But we know that Jesus isn’t like that.

The one thing that Jesus says
the most in the scriptures
are these four words, “Do not be afraid”.

We know the voice of Jesus
because it will never lead us to run
Never leads us to suspect or hate others.
never leads us to stockpile weapons and ammunition
in our basement waiting for the apocalypse.
We know the voice of Jesus because it never leads us to fear.
Jesus never leads his sheep to run erratically in fear.
Jesus voice leads us beside the still waters.
It leads us by the green pastures.

Even when we’re in the presence of our enemies.
Jesus voice tells us to pray for them.
Even though we may be in hostile territory.
Jesus says “do not be afraid, I am with you.”
Even though we might not actually be safe.
Jesus says that death will not have the last word in our life.
Even though the world may be falling down around us.
Jesus tells us to seek God’s kingdom first.

There is much that we could be afraid of in this world.
we are libel to run and find ourselves lost.

But the good shepherd tells us
“Do not be afraid.”
The good shepherd has laid down his life for us.

We are Easter people,
We are shaped by Jesus life and death.
We are shaped by the resurrection.
We are guided by our  Shepherd’s voice,
the good Shepherd’s voice.

It’s the one that leads us beyond our own fears.

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