Monday, April 4, 2016

God is a Comedian

Easter 2
Holy Hilarity
April 3, 2016

The dictionary says that a comedy is
a drama in which the central
motif is the triumph over adversity,
leading to a successful conclusion.

By that definition,
The story of Jesus is a comedy.
And when you think about it,
the story is definitely something to laugh about.

We’ve got one guy who’s objective is to turn
over all the systems of heaven and earth.
He finds twelve friends who never seem
to grasp what the point of the mission was.
Jesus on a donkey.

He has no weapons, no secret arsenal,
no campaign manager, 
no organization really
His whole tactic seems to be
“Take up your cross and follow me.”
How are you going to take down the
devil and the empire with that?

And for Jesus entrance 
into his final confrontation
in Jerusalem, on what we call Palm Sunday,
He doesn’t come in like 
Caesar on a white stallion,
Comes in on a small, 
baby donkey looking rather ridiculous --
really a parody of other military entrances.
And it says in all the gospels that it’s a
“donkey that’s never been ridden before.”
I don’t know much about live stock,
but I have met donkeys and they don’t
come into the world wanting to be ridden.

And in the end, the entirety of Jesus plan
to turn over everything,
is to hand himself over to the empire
and religion and to die.
And the biggest laugh of all – it works!

The Joke is on the Devil.
Death will not have the final word.
By giving in and dying, Jesus claims victory over death
and the devil is reduced to being a puny blowhard.

And the joke is also on the empire and religion.
Of course that doesn’t happen immediately,
it’s a slow, building comedy,
but the funny thing is, as soon as
the establishment adopts Christianity
as its symbol and emblem,
Jesus starts subverting from the inside
and the comedy keeps replaying itself through history.

Even in today’s Gospel story, 
fear has gripped the disciples
But even in this tense moment,
there’s still room for some comedy.

They all lock themselves in the room out of fear
and because they don’t quite know what to do next.
But Thomas decides to leave the room for one minute.
Maybe the tension was too much,
and he was getting coffee or something.
And of course, just at that moment, Jesus comes in the room.

When you think about it,
our whole life with God
can be full of ironic twists,
strange coincidences and perfect timing.
The elements of comedy.
And just the basic premise some might call a little silly.
We’re asked to devote our lives to a Jewish
carpenter who lived 2000 years ago.
Asked to help people, to love strangers,
pray for our enemies, to take up our cross and follow.
If we didn’t know about Christianity,
we might laugh if we heard about it for the first time.

There’s an impression around the world
that Christians are dour and serious.
And Christians have often lived up to that.
And there was a time when laughing and frivolity
was looked down on by some of our crankier brothers and sisters.

I think the devil would love for us to think
that God was all business,
all forms in triplicate, all facts,
counting our sins and full of condemnation.
The devil would like for us to judge the rest of the world
with the same kind of contempt with
suspicious of God and of one another.

But the last and best joke is finally on the devil.
Because God is an artist, God is a comedian,
 God is joy and laughter, God is life.
And in the end, God always wins.

Because Christ is risen!

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