Monday, April 18, 2016

The Voice of Jesus

John 10:22-30 
April 17, 2016

Jesus Solomon's Portico
We’re flashing back to a moment 
during Jesus ministry.
Jesus is walking through the portico of Solomon
a covered walk way around 
the temple in Jerusalem.
and as usual, he’s attracting a crowd
People want to see him and talk to him.

This time some people want him to tell them
who the heck he is and what he’s doing.
They say 
“how long are you going to keep us in suspense.”
Some say that that phrase is better translated,
“How long are you going to annoy us?”
In other words stop using all these metaphors
and stories and figures of speech.
Just tell us plainly if you’re the Messiah.
Give us the absolute sign. Let us know.

Now, undoubtedly, some of these people
are trying to catch Jesus and trap him
and get him in trouble with the authorities.
Some of them are probably hostile to what Jesus represents,
And some might be naturally skeptical,
But I’m sure that some of the people
asking Jesus are really searching and hoping
and wanting and waiting for the Messiah
they want to hear that Jesus is the Messiah.

And in response, Jesus tells them,
My sheep hear my voice and they follow me.
Sheep do get to know their own shepherd’s voice.
Each shepherd would have a hundred or so sheep.
And there were always other flocks of sheep around
and they tend to all look alike.

Sometimes the shepherds and their flocks
would meet to go to sleep
and they would all get mixed up at night.
But in the morning, the shepherds
could call their flock and the sheep would instinctively
follow their own shepherds voice.
Sheep know their shepherd’s voice.

Jesus was saying that the ones who will be
Jesus followers will just know him.
They will hear his voice and follow.

Flash forward a couple of thousand years,
Today if you are a church person,
or you hang around church people enough,
or read any information about the church,
the discussion often goes to the decline
of Christianity.

People just aren’t going to church,
If you read some of the more panicked articles,
all Christian churches are closing next week.
We know that’s not true.
But people’s lives just don’t seem to be centered around
Christianity or the church as much as it was
as it did fifty or even 20 years ago.

There are some people these days are hostile to Christianity
they like to catch the church doing something
wrong or contrary, or fouling up and they don’t
hesitate to point it out at every turn.
But like those people that were talking to Jesus,
some people haven’t really heard Jesus voice speaking to them.
I think there are a lot of people who are still searching
for their shepherd’s voice. But what are they hearing?

For a culture that is experiencing a decline in
Church attendance, God and Christ are still
pretty widely talked about, even outside of church.
Our politicians feel they have to invoke God,
and prove their faithfulness to get elected,
and lots of messages come out
with God’s name attached to it,
But is that message that people are hearing?

From Christians, I have heard hateful rhetoric
about immigrants and refugees,
especially our Muslim brothers and sisters.
Some Christians say terrible things about the poor,
and the homeless too.
Is that the voice of Jesus talking?

Donald Trump says his favorite bible verse
is an “eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth”
completely forgetting that Jesus followed it up
by saying “I say turn the other cheek”
I can’t say that I’m too surprised,
But are some hearing this as Jesus message?
And these crazy laws that are predominate now
in the south, that pass themselves off as
“religious freedom laws” touted by Christians and
by Christian politicians,
giving Christians license to discriminate
against gay, lesbian, and transgender people, and really anyone
it’s was used to defend throwing an interracial couple
out of a trailer park.
Some people are hearing this as the voice of Jesus.

The Westboro Baptist church is still
getting their 15 years of fame in by being
horrible and picketing at inappropriate events.

And some Christians spend an inordinate amount
of their time mercilessly yelling hurtful things
at young women going into Planned Parenthood to
getting low cost health care
because they might possibly be considering an abortion.
Is this the voice of Jesus?

Now we might know that these voices
are not the voice of Jesus.
But people who aren’t as intimate
with Jesus life and stories, how would they know?

Even if we agreed with the message
that some of these people are committed to,
We know that this was not at all the way
that Jesus would speak to other people or confront injustice or sin.
Jesus got most irate with religious leaders who were
misleading other people.
He didn’t yell at poor people or young women.
But those who don’t know about
Christ’s way, how would they know?

These are the voices, these are the messages
that are filling the airways and getting in the news
and filling the ears of people.

Even Pope Francis is struggling
to get his message to rise above
this din of hate and exclusion .

And I think that a lot of people
have heard these messages for so long
that they believe that it is Jesus voice
and they want no part of that.
I know a lot of my friends from my past
are in that boat right now.
They can’t get around  all the voices
of fear and hate and exclusion
to hear Jesus real voice.
And I can’t say that I blame them.

We know that Jesus is not a voice of hate
Jesus voice is a voice of life, of resurrection,
of welcome at the table, embracing those who are different,
eating with sinners and tax collectors and prostitutes,
loving your enemies, praying for those who persecute you,
lifting up the poor and unfortunate.

We at Gethsemane know that is the shepherd’s voice.
And I believe that people are waiting to hear that voice,
they are longing to know that shepherd.
But, of course, we’re Lutheran and we mutter it
or hope that people will read our minds.

But Jesus said, when my sheep hear my voice they will follow.
They will never perish.  No one will snatch them out of my hand.

The good news today is that Jesus won’t stop calling
those sheep over and over again.
Jesus won’t stop just because we didn’t hear the first time
or because the noise of the world is too loud,
or his followers don’t have the courage to speak up.

The good shepherd knows that there are lots of people
just waiting to hear that story, that message and that voice
the voice of the living word of God, the voice of forgiveness,
The voice that we have followed here this morning,
And Jesus won’t stop calling until all creation has come home.

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